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AMIGO - paname city

amigo's new music video produced by
 Paname music. 

live from
in its extended version ...

a mix of french hip-hop and rap,
a tribute to the city, 
and its monuments: the eiffel tower, the triumphal arch, the famous round circle of the champs elysees ...

enjoy the ride !

welcome 2 

paname city ! 

AMIGO - paname city

AMIGO ELDORADO - paname city

the new video of @amigoeldorado

a mix of french rap, hip-hop music,
all related to the city of paris
with a nod to comics movies...

the idea is inspired by another city ...
the kingdom of a very famous super hero, always dressed in black, always driving around, always trying to stop bad guys
and always watching over the dark side ...

amigo is doing the same ...
he's dressing all in black, he's driving his amigo-mobile, he 's catching the bad guys and he is watching over the city of paris nowadays also called

paname city !

this is paris !
AMIGO - paname city
AMIGO ELDORADO - international
best of vidéo

best of amigo's videos, a mix of images shot around the globe, starting from paris to the all world international celebration of rap and hip-hop music by
Paname musik & filmz

" if sky is the limit

then the universe

is unlimited ! 


AMIGO - best video

bande annonce du livre


AMIGO ELDORADO, de son vrai nom de plume, Nizar El Hami, nous livre ici PANAME
sa première œuvre littéraire 
parue chez Le Lys Bleu Editions.
Voici la Bande Annonce officielle du livre.
« Un recueil de poésie libre, lunaire, sauvage et onirique inspiré par « PARIS » la ville lumière et « PANAME » son surnom populaire, son côté obscur, symbolisant sa part d'ombre...
A lire absolument... 

The music video from amigo eldorado to celebrate "Neymar in Paris", soccer, French rap, hip-hop and the birth of Paname music

produced between rio de janeiro, brazil and Paris, france.

directed by zlavcko and his team also credits to Luciano drones, cacéres films and Réjanne for their help during the shooting.



the famous video in its deluxe edition.
the dream life on the edge of sun and sea
in a beautiful mansion ov
er the ocean...

" i want the world !


and everything in it ! "
AMIGO - Copa Cabana
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